Wednesday, May 6, 2009


As for as the project is considered new doubts and new information is generated day by day. Each information is put on blog. This is a continuation from previous blogs topic "Breaking legs behind my MLISc Project". Along with, this my friends doubts about project are also put on blog. 

What are Wikis and Blogs

Definition of a Wiki
“Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser.  Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and cross links between internal pages on the fly.”  

Definition of a Blog 
"A blog is a Web site, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order."

There are some common features between both Wikis and Blogs    
  1. Wiki and Blog, both are web pages. 
  2. Both Wikis and Blogs grow with the help of the users.        
  3. Users can post their comments on both of them.  

Advantages of Wikis over Blogs ·         
  1. Easy access of archived information. ·   
  2.  These are better at assembling information collectively with regarding to particular profession. 

Advantages of Blogs over Wikis 
  1. Sharing information as quick as possible 
  2. Communication between host and guest.    

There are some false assumptions regarding Wikis:          
  1.  Wiki is a encyclopedia, but it is not true. Its coverage ranges from A-Z and from 0-9   
  2. Wiki contents can be edited by any one, but it is not right. The content can be edited, added, changed only by selected people with password protection. 
  3. The original content of the changed one is lost, but it is only for those who do not visit past version of the page where it is saved. 

Similarly there are some false assumptions regarding Blogs:
  1. A blog is an online diary. Which was so in the beginning but, now it consists everything, from food to sports, hobbies, professional, and so on.   
  2. Blog is hosted by one person which is not true. Now a days any professional organization, companies, industries, can host the blogs according to their taste.   
  3. A message board is replaced by blog in a working place where as binder-manual is replaced by wiki.   
Why Blog : 
  1. Easy to post 
  2. Posts can be read Chronologically 
  3. Automatic alerting service 
  4. Provisions for comments on each post 
  5. Only host can edit the content of a post 
  6. Discussions can be limited to specific groups.   
Why Wiki:
  1.  Document creation 
  2. Anyone can contribute 
  3. Participation is truly liberal. 
  4. Content can be in any order.      
 Main differences between Blogs and Wikis   
  1.  Blog is a one man show comprising discussion at the end, where as wiki is a talk show where everyone can participate.   
  2. Blog is like a boardroom table with a podium at the head of the table. Wiki – is like a round conference table.
  3.  Blog - is like a white paper where as Wiki  -  is like a spray painting where any one can try.   
  4. Blog is a content of thoughts where one or more can comment on those contents where as wiki is a repository of thoughts where others can contribute and modify. 
  5. Blog is author centered where as wiki content centered.
  6.  In blog Comments are encouraged but not focused. Where as in wiki no real comments.
  7.  In blogs sharing of events and insights where as wikis create resources   
  8. In blogs content displayed with recent articles first, where as in wikis it is not necessary. 
  9.  Blog is conversation in nature where as wikis is either active or passive.   
  10. Blog is static where as wikis is dynamic  
  11.  In blog host in whole and sole, where as wiki  is public.  
  12.  In blogs comments are encouraged where as in wikis comments are not expected.